Contribute to the community and get published in our News&Insights section!
Want to share something with the PMU community? We’re here to amplify your voice!
Is there some important aspect of PMU that hasn’t been talked about enough? Do you feel like you have some useful tips for fellow PMU artists? Maybe you’ve had a PMU treatment and want to share your experience?
PMUHub invites all individuals within the PMU industry to send us their content and contribute to the only independent platform dedicated exclusively to (semi) permanent makeup and related treatments.
PMUHub is a place for PMU professionals and clients to get together and get informed about anything and everything related to the industry, and we want you to chime in and contribute. Enrich the community with your contribution, and in return, get exposure to PMUHub readers. Your voice will be heard!
Here’s all you need to know about publishing on PMUHub as a contributor.
What Does It Mean to Be a Contributor on PMUHub?
PMUHub Contributors are individuals who provide valuable and interesting content and have it published on PMUHub. They share their stories, experiences, and knowledge they have on various aspects of the PMU industry. They provide us with content – we provide them with exposure to PMUHub readers.But I’m Not a Writer! Can I Still Contribute?
Of course! You can pitch to PMUHub regardless of if you’ve ever written similar content or not. We primarily care about what you have to say. We want to hear your story and amplify your voice, so don’t hesitate to pitch your idea. If needed, the PMUHub editorial team will make any necessary stylistic tweaks.
How Do I Become a PMUHub Contributor?
Here are the steps in the process of becoming a PMUHub Contributor:
Step 1
Pitch an idea. Come up with a catchy title that will reflect the topic you want to write about and will grab the attention of PMUHub readers.
Write a short summary of what you would like to write about.
You can pitch as many ideas as you like and our editorial team will decide if they fit our concept or not.
Send your pitch to [email protected] via email.
You don’t have to send us the whole article until your pitch is approved.
Step 2
Our editorial team will get in touch with you and let you know if we’ve accepted your pitch(es) or not.
If you get a green light from us, write your feature and send it in. You will have to provide visuals to back your textual content (scroll for visual content guidelines).
Step 3
Our team will review it and make any necessary changes to ensure it meets the PMUHub standard in terms of overall quality, language, and tone.
Step 4
Our team will publish your content according to our publication schedule. Congrats, you’re now officially a PMUHub Contributor, and you’ll be credited as such!
Content Guidelines
- Your content has to provide PMUHub readers with valuable information related to the industry. Irrelevant and unrelated content will not be considered.
- Your content has to cover a topic that hasn’t already been covered on PMUHub, or it has to provide a fresh take on a topic that has already been covered, but you feel like you can shed a new light on.
- Your content has to be original. Plagiarized content will not be considered.
- The content has to be created exclusively for PMUHub, meaning it cannot be published anywhere else, previously or in the future.
- You cannot promote any brand, salon or product. Only non-commercial self-promotion is allowed.
- The minimum word count is around 1000 words.
- You have to provide relevant and original visuals to illustrate your textual content. Every article you send has to be illustrated with 2-5 pictures or videos depending on its length.
Visual Content Guidelines
- If you are an artist, we encourage you to illustrate your content with your own work – ideally, before and after pics, or photos of a treatment in progress.
- The photos have to be high-quality, at least 1000 x 1000 px. Blurry photos will not be considered.
- You are allowed to include your logo on the pictures, but it has to be subtle.
- Images cannot show any branded products.
How Do I Contact You?
If you are interested in becoming a PMUHub Contributor, don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected]
We’re looking forward to hearing what you have to share!
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